TEDxTimesSquare – A huge success!
Pushing Boundaries was a resounding success. Held at NASDAQ Marketsite on May 2, 2014, it explored the edges of convention and the ways in which those edges continue to be shattered by our speakers and the audience of TEDxTimesSquare. They welcomed ten speakers,...
Intelliga work goes BIG!
On Monday October 21, 2013, the TEDxTimesSquare ad designed by Intelliga hit the big screen. The REALLY BIG screen. And by that, we mean the giant digital NASDAQ billboard in Times Square, NYC. Exposed to a billion people a minute (though only 4 times an hour) it's...
Cheers to the 2013 Solihull CAMRA Beer Festival
Intelliga is pleased to engage with CAMRA ("CAMpaign for Real Ale") to continue their annual tradition of creating a new variation of the Annual Beer Festival logo to appear on event paraphernalia including t-shirt, coasters, and the keepsake beer mug! Starting with...